Total Marketcap: $ 111,111,111
Change 24h: 22,222,222,222
Volume 24h: 3,333,333
Bitcoin dominance: 44 %
Crypto Info, Price, Review and Analysis
Cosmos - ATOM logo high resolution

Cosmos (ATOM)

Global transactions with multiple blockchains

Cosmos Price 1 Year
$ 25.19698
30.62 %
Market Cap: $ 201 M

5 Years

1 Year

3 Months

30 Days

7 Days

24 Hours

Cosmos Explained

Introduction to Cosmos

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What problem does Cosmos solve?

Name: Cosmos

Symbol: ATOM

The purpose behind Cosmos was a little too demanding for sure. Where other crypto-technologies are trying to solve one problem at a time, Cosmos revealed that it will launch a blockchain-based interoperability platform, which will allow all the different blockchains to interact and work together. It kind of pulls all the blockchains onto one platform, and as per the latest news of February 2020, it looks like they are getting some results out of their works.

Ameer Rosic: Ethan Buchman: What is Cosmos Blockchain?

What is Cosmos

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What does the cryptocurrency Cosmos actually do?

Cosmos is a platform that will allow the integration of different blockchains into one system. The product is a customizable, scalable, powerful and interoperable ecosystem of connected blockchains. The developers are working on making the Proof-of-Stake consensus more efficient. ATOM is the native token for the platform, and the delegators and valuators of a transaction will be rewarded with ATOM tokens

Who is behind Cosmos

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What team is working to make Cosmos successful?

The Interchain Foundation is in charge of its development work. The lead project manager is Jae Kwon, serving as the CTO of Cosmos Network.

Another notable lead developer on the team is Ethan Buchman.

Cosmos Development

Cosmos Code Progress Analysis

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How did much the Cosmos developers work on their coin over the last year?

The current activities on Cosmos repositories reveal that the development team is on a working streak. There are a total of 86 active repositories working on different aspects of the Cosmos network. The most active repositories on Github have numerous code commits in the past days. Other than the Cosmos repositories, the project is also expanded in repositories belonging to Tendermint, which is yet another middleware that will allow the interoperability of different blockchains.

Cosmos Community

Cosmos Public Interest

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How many people did search on Google for Cosmos indicates how many new people first heard from Cosmos

Search Engine:

Region: Worldwide

Searchterm: Cosmos

Peak Popularity: 17. May 2021

Cosmos is currently enjoying a good share of its positive developments. The token, ATOM, is also performing well on the market charts. According to analysts, ATOM may spike up to $8-$9 by the end of the year 2022.

There are a number of projects that have been announced by Cosmos on its roadmap for 2020. Among the most anticipated projects are the development of a consensus algorithm, middlewares for the mainnet, and a wallet to store ATOM tokens.

Cosmos has a lot of potentials as the project does not seem like a scam and has a trusted team working selflessly towards the development of the project. The confidence people have in the project can be deduced by its growth in the year 2019.

Google Trends is a tool that shows how many people search for a specific search keyword worldwide compared to its peak. The more people search for Cosmos on google, the higher the Google Trends curve rises. The Google Trends search data is based on the search keyword Cosmos Cosmos had its peak interrest 1 ago. At that time, more people searched for Cosmos than anytime this year. The interrest of newcomers for Cosmos seems to be sinking, which is awful!

Cosmos Sentiment Analysis

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How positive/negative are people on different crypto-related subreddits talking about Cosmos

Based on:

Positive/Negative Posts Ratio: 5:1

Cosmos was founded with the support of the Interchain Foundation (ICF); a non-commercial foundation based in Switzerland. Cosmos held the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) for its ATOM token in 2017. The ICO turned out to be successful, where the team managed to raise $17 million within the first half an hour of the ICO. A total of 168 million tokens were sold, while the team kept apart 50 million of the total supply to use for their financial and strategic goals. Cosmos, with its idea of joining all other blockchains to eliminate the problem of blockchain scalability, gained massive recognition in the year 2019. The project received countless investments, so much so that Cosmos became the 25th largest cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization. This ranking was revealed by The total market capital that Cosmos has attracted so far stands at about $300 million, with each token trading at about $2.16.

Sentiment Analysis uses Machine Learning to analyze whether a post on reddit is written with joy or anger. The more excited people are about a project, the more positive posts there are on reddit. If a project behaves scammy, negative posts dominate. A good indicator is the positive-to-negative post ratio. For every 5 positive post about Cosmos, there are 1 negative posts, which is a normal ratio. A recent post mentioning Cosmos with a lot of positive feedback was posted in r/CryptoCurrency by u/rareliquid: A 7-Point Fundamental Due Diligence Checklist for Crypto Research

Cosmos Enthusiasts Analysis

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How did the community of enthusiasts that follow Cosmos closely develop over the last year?

The community around the Cosmos project has grown exponentially. At first, the project seemed too ambitious to be actualized. However, the team has delivered steadily and has some more exciting developments on its roadmap. There is a good representation for Cosmos in terms of social platform channels, and all are being run by the community members and do not represent the official Cosmos team. Medium, Twitter, Reddit, and Youtube show good metrics confirming the involvement of community members.

Cosmos Price Analysis

Cosmos Price Overview

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Key price metrics such as All-Time-High (ATH) and Market-Cap of Cosmos

Rank: 19

Price: $ 25.19698

Volume (24h): $ 201 M

Cosmos is currently focusing on developing workable algorithms for their network. Along with that, the team has announced a number of partnerships that will enable the technology to reach a wider range of users. It is listed on more than 90 crypto trade exchanges, including Changelly and Binance. It has announced some major memorandum of understandings with different blockchain-based cryptocurrencies like OmiseGO and ThetaToken. There are a large number of crypto-development organizations and firms working with Cosmos. Oracle Internal Corporation, DATA chain, IRIS, and Loom Network are just a few to mention.

Several other cryptocurrencies are working to develop a platform for blockchain interoperability. However, none of them have managed to deliver as much as Cosmos. Among the similar substitute projects of Cosmos are ARK, ICON, AION, and Wanchain.

Cosmos had its all-time-high (ATH) at 7. January 2022 at a price of $ 44.55288. Today, Cosmos is traded for $ 25.19698, which is a -43.44 % drop from the previous ATH. If you had bought Cosmos 1 year ago, you would have made a gain of 30.62 %. Going even more back, if you had bought Cosmos 5 Years ago (or at the first possible chance), you would have made a gain of 306.4 %.